Ramadan -Holy month of muslims

Ramzan is the nineth month of islamic calender .muslims worldwide observe it as a month of fasting ,prayer and reflection.in  regard of muhammad's first revelation comemoration,the annual observance of ramdan is regarded as five pillers of islam.it lasts for twenty nine to thirty days.start from seeing a crescent to its next sight ..
Fasting from sunrise to sunset is obligatory to all muslims who are not chronically ill,breast-feeding ,menstruating and travelling .the predawn meal is reffered to as suhur while the nightly feast that break the fast is called iftar.
The spiritual rewards of ramdan are beleived to multiplied during the month.muslims not only refrain from food and drink but also from sexual desires and tobacco products devoting themselves instead to salat ,reciting quran and the performance of charitable deeds .


The word ramdan means scorching heat and dryness.derived from arabic word ramida .
Muslims holds that all scripture were revealed during ramadan,.
Like scrolls of abraham ,torah ,psalms,gospel and quran were heading down in month of ramadan.

Eid ..

Eid ul fitr marks the end of ramadan and beggining of shawal.at eid every one feels joy and make great masti  as it comes after a noble month and every one is trying to have a happy event


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