What is biological law and how it is made

A.O.A ..today i wanna discuss the biological law.do you know what is biological law .moat of people doesnot know this law ..actually it is a syatematized way of some information to be proved ethentic. Many factors are involved in making the biological law.
1.observation .
4..law .
Observation is made by means of five senses like hearing touching watching listening and tasting  ...observations are not accurate .they may be falsified .by observation we make hypothesis .hypothesis are tentative explanation of observations ..
Hypothesis are made by deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning .

Deductive reasoning move from general to specific ..like if all birds have wings ,sparrows are also birds then sparrows are also have wings  .inductive reasoning is its totally opposite it moves from* then to if *.hypothesis are tested again and again .if it is approved accurate then it will be called theory  .theory proved accurate after  again and again testing then it will be law which is not challanged.usually there are very few laws in the biology .like hardyweinberg law and mendels law of inheritance .....  ..........end of blog


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